Better Golf through Better Fitness
This page is dedicated to the women of the front 9 golf league at Soule Park Golf Course in Ojai, Ca.
Some people say they hate making New Year’s resolutions because they always seem to fail, so they never make the desired changes and wind up feeling guilty for never following through. From my experience as a personal fitness trainer for 25 years, I have seen that these failed resolutions are usually the result of it being too ambitious while at the same time being way too general and not specific enough to plan and break down the steps needed to make a change. Success is accomplished through small, steady steps in a focused direction – not giant leaps in all different directions.
Schedule it! Just 10 minutes!
You also have to schedule the time, actually put it in your daily planner. A resolution fails when you agree that you want to do it, but fail to commit to when and how. I recommend scheduling small increments of time 2 or 3 times a week to work on some small aspect of your game. Just 10 minutes spent, maybe three times a week, working on anything will offer some improvement.
Here’s one of the easiest, most effective game improvers that makes for a super 2011 golf resolution! Schedule time to simply warm-up and swing a golf club in the backyard, spending no more than 10 minutes. Commit to this 3 times a week, or even daily if you are motivated, and you will greatly improve your swing. This is especially helpful to get you back into “swing shape” after a layoff.
The Golf Guru 8-Step Warm-up
This 10 minute session should include a warm-up before performing full practice swings. Remember, it is important for your body to warm up properly to prepare for the golf swing, rather than swinging the club in order to warm up. I suggest using my Golf Guru 8-Step Golf swing Warm-up plan and then gradually move on to full swings. The warm-up takes 3-5 minutes and then the rest of the time is for free swinging. You can choose one club, or work your way up the set.
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